Best Beginner Powerlifting Training Programs - Conquering Barbell

Best Beginner Powerlifting Training Programs

Powerlifting is a strength sport that involves three main lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. For beginners who are just starting out, finding the right training program can be crucial in achieving their goals and making progress in their lifts. Here are some of the best beginner powerlifting training programs to consider.

Starting Strength: Starting Strength is a popular beginner powerlifting program created by Mark Rippetoe. This program focuses on building strength in the squat, bench press, and deadlift through progressive overload. The program consists of three workouts per week, each focusing on one of the main lifts, and uses linear progression to gradually increase the weight lifted. The program is designed to be simple and easy to follow, making it a great option for beginners.

StrongLifts 5x5: StrongLifts 5x5 is another popular beginner powerlifting program. It is similar to Starting Strength in that it focuses on the three main lifts and uses progressive overload to increase strength. However, it is slightly different in that it uses a 5x5 rep scheme instead of 3x5. This means that the lifter performs five sets of five reps instead of three sets of five reps. The program also includes some accessory exercises to help build strength and support the main lifts.

5/3/1: 5/3/1 is a popular powerlifting program created by Jim Wendler. This program focuses on the four main lifts: squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press. It uses a four-week cycle, with each week focusing on a different rep range and weight percentage. The program also includes accessory exercises to help build strength and address weaknesses. 5/3/1 is a great program for beginners who want to focus on building strength in all four main lifts.

Texas Method: The Texas Method is a popular powerlifting program that focuses on high volume and high intensity training. It involves three workouts per week, with each workout focusing on a different lift. The program includes a heavy day, a light day, and a volume day, with the goal of gradually increasing weight and volume over time. The Texas Method is a great program for beginners who are looking for a more challenging training program.

Cube Method: The Cube Method is a powerlifting program created by Brandon Lilly. It is a more advanced program, but it can be adapted for beginners. The program involves four workouts per week, each focusing on a different lift. It uses a combination of heavy training, speed training, and repetition training to build strength and improve technique. The Cube Method is a great program for beginners who want to challenge themselves and take their training to the next level.

In conclusion, there are many great beginner powerlifting training programs to choose from. Each program has its own unique approach and benefits, so it is important to choose the program that best fits your goals and needs. Whether you choose Starting Strength, StrongLifts 5x5, 5/3/1, the Texas Method, or the Cube Method, sticking to a consistent training program and staying committed to your goals will be the key to success in powerlifting.

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